I do believe that it's been a while. Almost 2 months. O.o I'd lie and say that a lot happened within those two months if it meant that it'd make it sound better, but yeah... All that happened was I graduated college and now have my BA in English with a writing concentration. Woot!!! My final month of classes was still with paper writing and panicked studying, as well as the strangest allergic reaction I've ever had. My right arm was spasming to the point that I was hitting myself in the face with my shoulder. Just imagine having those really bad hiccups that make your eyes water and your chest hurt...only you're not having hiccups... Your arm is just spasming like that because your prescription medicine reacted with an OTC sinus medicine you started taking the day before... Yeah.... It was strange and terrifying. We were all afraid I was having a seizure and I had to leave work 3 hours early. Thankfully, it was just an allergic reaction...