I know that this blog is already a mix of a little bit of everything (I'm too ADD to blog about one thing all the time, I guess, XD), so I've decided to keep going along with that. At least once a month (most likely twice), I'll post a blog titled "Music Corner" in which I showcase music by some of my favorite bands. I've debated doing this for a while, and finally figured, "Why the hell not?" Since most of the music I listen to is less than mainstream (here in America, at least), I thought it would be interesting to open everyone's eyes to music they may not listen to otherwise.
Today's band is my favorite of all time,
ムック or MUCC (pronounced as "mook-koo"). They are one of the most intense bands I have ever heard, and I will always be indebted to my best friend for introducing me to them back in 2007. While I'm less than pleased with the direction their music has taken as of late, I know that I will forever be in awe of their early music (and will patiently wait for them to come to their senses and start making their dark, cynical music again, lol).

MUCC was formed in 1997 and is comprised for four very talented men. Tatsurou is the lead singer (his voice makes me melt), Miya is on the guitar, Yuuke is on bass, and Satochi is on drums. To date they have released well over 300 songs -- 10 albums, 24 singles, 4 demos, and have been featured on many compilation albums. They've toured all across Japan and Europe, and traveled with the Taste of Chaos tour across American in 2008, along with The Underneath and D'espairsRay (another popular JRock band). Sadly, I didn't know about them touring with the Taste of Chaos until a few days after they performed in Dayton, Ohio, the closest they came to this area. I could have cried. :(
Now, onto the music! The song titles are listed first, followed by the month and year they were released, which is followed by a couple translated lines of the song. I haven't featured ALL of their singles, because...well...this blog would be even longer than I already know it'll be. Heheh. And I love all of their music, but my absolute favorites have asterisks (*) before and after their titles. At the very end are a few of my favorite live performances from them. : )
Unfortunately, Universal Japan has it set up so their videos can't be embedded (BOO!!!), so any singles that were released by MUCC under them are from DailyMotion instead of youtube.
Happy listening!!!