Now, how does this relate to WoW? Well...FFXII has a definitive ending. You go on this big long adventure (taking as much or as little time to get to the end as you wish), but once you've defeated Vayne, that's it. Game over. Thanks for playing. Wanna go again? Well, then you'll have to start over.
WoW, on the other hand, doesn't end, or at least, has yet to meet its end. As a player, I can do as many quests as I want and not worry about ever running out of them. Is one town out of quests? Well, I'll just move onto another one. Or how about I go do a dungeon? There's just so much to do. But, alas, this is about my very first noob-tastic week of WoW, in which I have had an easy go of somethings and had to learn others the hard way...
Okay, first of all, it took more than 19 hours to install the damn game to my computer. Seriously. I bought the game the Thursday evening before the Super Bowl and started installing it immediately when I got home. It took about an hour for the discs to install and then about half an hour for all the updated patches to be installed. Just when I thought the wait was over and I could finally play, the Blizzard Client came up and started downloading. So. Slowly. I thought I would die. But by that time is was about 10 pm and I had some readings to finish for class the next day, so I just set my computer on the floor to let him (yes, my computer's a he) finish the download. When he was asleep the next morning I didn't think anything of it because, when I download anime, he waits for the download to complete before putting himself to sleep. I didn't check the game until after my class Friday evening, only to discover that he had fallen asleep before the download was even a quarter of the way finished. X_X So that night, around 6 pm, I let the download go, turned off my computer's ability to go to sleep, and let it go. The download didn't finish until around 1 pm the next day. Which was sad, because I had to work at 2 so I couldn't play. Heheh. But yeah... My first few days with WoW were not pleasurable, though by Saturday morning the whole waiting thing had become much more humorous and less aggravating.
I finally started playing Sunday (Super Bowl) evening. My first character was a female Blood Elf Paladin named Litha. I started my game with her and ran around doing as many quests as I could find in the hour or so that I played before my computer's RAM had a heart attack and died. When I resuscitated him (yes, my computer is a he) and restarted the game, I realized that I wasn't in the realm of Nordrassil, which was where I was told to go by my friend who got me hooked on the game. So, not thinking anything of it, I changed my realm. And Litha was gone. Poof! I groaned and bitched for a bit, but didn't get too pissed because that was basically a trial run anyway. I had no idea how to target or fight things in the beginning, so I knew that the second run through would be much easier, and it was.
My second character is also a female Blood Elf Paladin (Healer) named Erivantha. Playing the game with her was much easier because I knew how to target and attack things that were trying to eat me. My friend has a character who was around the level of Erivantha so we met up in the game and started doing quests and things together, leveling up really quickly along the way. I was finally able to get a mount yesterday evening. It makes everything so much better! Running everywhere gets tiring really quickly because it takes forever. Sure, you don't have that much speed on a mount, but it's more than you have while running. Heheh. My first mount was a Warhorse, but I bought a Blue Hawkstrider (aka, a blue Chocobo, lol) because it is super adorable! Lol. But yeah... Everything was pretty simple until yesterday evening, when I attempted my very first dungeon...
Soooo yeah... When you go into a dungeon you have 4 other people with you, each of them (and yourself) fulfilling a certain role. There is the Tank, who leads the party and does the most damage. There's the Healer, who, well...heals everyone, though their main focus is on the Tank. And there are three DPS characters who just throw everything they can at the enemy to take them down. Okay, so... I'm a Healer. Luckily, my friend was playing on the couch right beside me as a DPS in the same dungeon, not that it helped me any, but the moral support was nice.
Basically, I sucked ass. Even though I was pushing the correct number buttons and was targeted on the Tank, my target kept changing and my spells weren't working and I had no idea what the hell was going on. It was so nerve-wracking and everyone was yelling at me do heal (one of the guys was actually being quite the supreme douche about everything). But anyway... I ended up getting kicked out of the group because I sucked so badly. Lol. And then my friend's sister introduced me to this wonderful thing called HealBot. *angels sing* With HealBot, all you have to do is click on the person's name and it heals them. That simple. Needless to say, my second and third dungeon run-throughs went much better. We ended up having the same Tank as the first in our second dungeon, and he about flipped a gasket when he saw I was back -_-, but I said that I had HealBot now and we went ahead and everything went really well.
The third dungeon was even better because we ended up having a really good group. Well, it was good until my computer's RAM had yet another heart attack and died all over the place. Lol. Luckily, we were in a calm room and my friend was right there to tell everyone what had happened, and they were nice enough to wait for me (even though our Tank licked my unmoving body, XD). When I got back up a few minutes later, I was taken right back into the dungeon and it all went perfectly. It was a lot of freaking fun, and I really can't wait to do another one.
So there it is... My first week and a half or so's experience of WoW. It's been interesting, to say the least, lol. But I'm in the love with the game and it's totally worth the $15 a month to play. I can't wait to upgrade all the way to Cataclysm (I only have up to The Burning Crusade)!
And this novel-sized nerdfest is now complete! I need to shut up so I can start playing, lol.
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